With the Ethical Framing Strategies Tool Kit, you can go from a chorus of crickets and tumbleweeds on your social media to a loyal squad who root for you, follow your lead, and shop till they drop!

The best part is that since I apply these marketing strategies in my day-to-day business,  more sales, engagement, and subscriptions mean more followers and premium clients knocking at your door. 

Plus, immersing myself in these day-to-day strategies brings a whole new level of energy and positivity that makes me feel like I can conquer anything!

Picture this Community Framing pack as your ultimate everyday tool for stepping up your sales and engagement gameā€”but with a completely ethical approach.

You get EVERYDAY Tools that help you

Frame your community for sale.

Turn a lethargic community into an active one with framing - no matter what

Get peeps to see you as the Go-To Expert you are.

And frame customers so that they buy from you again and again.  

The bottom line is:
The strategies you receive chart a course that ensures your brand and community are always aligned and moving forward together, much like navigators who guide ships through uncharted waters.
Winning Hearts & Wallets: The Ethical Community Framing Pack

This Self-Study Online Program comes with 12 months of access (365 days) to the course system and all content from the day of purchase.

Remember: You can join the CONNECT 360 POWER CLUB instantly and get help from Melanie and other experts whenever you need it!

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All prices in EUR

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In countries where B2B reverse charge sales tax rules apply, the invoice will be subject to the reverse charge rules in the country of receipt.

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!
